4 important things you need to know about bringing your NEWBORN home!

4 important things you need to know about bringing your NEWBORN home!

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New baby at home? Well, that is an adventure. I still remember the day we brought Alicia home. It was an exciting but at the same time scary feeling. Many questions start to go around your head. What am I going to do? am I going to be able to do this? what about if they cry? are they hungry? are they sick? and you just wonder how are you going to make this possible!

Well, my beautiful soul! you are not alone, all of us have been through the same situation and we did it. No matter what, we did it. IN A DIFFERENT WAY each of us but we did it!

In this blog, I want to share my personal experience and 10 things you need to know about bringing your NEWBORN home!

1. Leaving the Hospital to bring your NEWBORN home!

When you are a new mom, you tend to bring a lot of clothing to the hospital for the baby for the trip home. Let me tell you: you don’t need all of that! Dress your baby as how you would dress. Don’t overdress your baby, they will feel very uncomfortable.

When my baby was born, I pack a lot of new cloths for her, of course I wanted to dress my baby super pretty and oh gosh, she pooped all over herself. So, next I had to change her all over again. (and let me tell you that was a whole new process as well)

In conclusion, if you want a happy and calm baby, dress him accordingly, not too much, not too little 🙂

2. Taking the Baby to the car!

Don’t forget your Car seat! it is vital, and the hospital won’t let you leave without first checking the car seat. And, that makes a lot of sense, #SAFETYFIRST.

37% of all children under the age of 15 who died in car crashes in 2020 were unrestrained.1  Studies suggest that children are between 54% (toddlers) and 71% (infants) less likely to sustain a fatal injury if they’re secured in a properly installed car seat. Car Crash Stats

So, please be very careful and do your research before purchasing your car seat. In my experience, I purchased the MESA Uppababy because it was compatible with my stroller as well and to be honest my baby was super comfortable

3. Getting Home with your NEWBORN!

A mix of feelings… and it all depends if you live by yourself, with your partner, or if you have family around you to support you. In my case, I live in the United States and my Family lives in Colombia, my mom came for a couple of months before Covid hit! and it was okay, postpartum can be traumatizing and I am not going to lie, there are a lot of things crossing your mind. You just pulled a baby out of your body. Here you need to be at least very conscious that your priority is your baby, they depend on you to survive.

Your house will be a mess for a couple of weeks. So have handy diapers, wipes, etc (and when I said handy I mean in the living room, kitchen, everywhere! please don’t mind the disaster! again focus on your baby)

4. Family and Friends visiting you and your NEWBORN!

Try to limit the number of visits you have. At least for a couple of weeks.

  1. To protect your baby from any outside virus
  2. You have enough things to worry about now with your newborn, you don’t need to worry about anything else or having visitors. Try to talk to them and ask for a little space while you settle down.

Even though it is a crazy stage remember that everything will pass In a blink of an eye, so enjoy a little bit of everything.

Here is my baby just about to leave the hospital!

Dear Alicia,

Was born on February 16 2020 at 12:58 am. 9.2 pounds and 21 inches